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City Gardening: New focus of spoga+gafa

15 May 2019

City Gardening

The increased urbanisation is one of the global mega trends of our era: More and more people are moving to the city. They don't want to do without their own, private green space there. Hence, spoga+gafa is setting a new main focus with "City Gardening".

Living in the city centre and at the same time surrounded by greenery mustn't necessarily be contradictory. More and more balconies, gardens and roof terraces are blossoming and flourishing. On the other hand, the cities are bringing nature back to urban spaces. They are striving to revive their city centres with plants and thus increase the quality of life of their inhabitants. Solutions for more greenery in the cities are thus enjoying increased popularity. Novelties for the planting of city balconies or gardens are just as much on the rise as modular outdoor furniture, compact barbecues and other products for limited spaces.

The green oasis as a place of refuge

As the largest garden fair in the world, spoga+gafa is picking up on this trend from 1 to 3 September 2019 and is setting a new focus, namely with the theme City Gardening. Because for city dwellers, outdoor spaces are becoming increasingly important as a place of refuge from hectic, everyday life.

The garden is taking on the task of being a place to wind down and relax more than ever. It gives people a feeling of security and homeliness and is thus gaining a totally new significance.

Stefan Lohrberg - Director of spoga+gafa.

The longing for a green oasis is becoming reality in cities thanks to plant-filled terraces, balconies or gardens – whether in the centre or in the suburbs.

"Green Wall" from the collection Loft Urban by © elho

"Green Wall" from the collection Loft Urban by © elho

Outdoor spaces with green and a homelike ambience

Plant pots for balustrades, vertical plant systems or mini greenhouses transform balconies into small kitchen gardens. Irrigation systems are specially tailored to the needs of city gardeners. There are even miniature versions of compost boxes today. Modular and multi-functional furniture offers optimal usage of space, whilst decorative elements such as carpets, cushions, vases or lanterns provide a cosy atmosphere. There are also smart solutions for limited outdoor areas such as balconies and roof terraces when it comes to sun protection. Side tables or plant pots with integrated LEDs provide the illumination of the city oasis from the smartphone.

Barbecue on the balcony

For smoky flavors without smoke, the market today offers small electric appliances alongside compact gas grills for the balcony. Portable models are also suitable for balconies or the city park. For upscale outdoor cooking there are also modular outdoor kitchens, whose elements can be individually combined in a limited space and can also be safely placed on the balcony.

Lounge group "Melbourne" by © Sieger GmbH

Lounge group "Melbourne" by © Sieger GmbH

New possibilities of presentation

At the coming edition, spoga+gafa is providing its exhibitors with special areas for the presentation of new products for urban green spaces. Stylised balconies, terraces and urban usable areas offer the possibility to present to the visitors the competences of the products in their real environment of usage. International lectures and active product shows will accompany the theme throughout the trade fair. The exhibitors will thereby focus on solutions for themes such as vacation watering, growing plants in tight spaces or the smart illumination of "city oases".

Urban gardening encompasses many facets in the meantime. It creates green open spaces, supports the microclimate and contributes towards the self-provision with herbs and vegetables. The coming spoga+gafa will demonstrate which new products and innovative solutions there are in this section. International exhibitors will then be making the city a little bit greener again.

Garden accessories by © Romberg GmbH & Co. KG
Parasol "Piazzino" by © by Glatz AG
"LoungeBox" for the terrace from © Biohort GmbH

Garden accessories by © Romberg GmbH & Co. KG

Parasol "Piazzino" by © by Glatz AG

"LoungeBox" for the terrace from © Biohort GmbH

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Author: Leif Hallerbach
