Garden of the Year 2019
14 Feb 2019

The Gardens of the Year 2019 – Photo: Callwey
From gardens with ruins, to grass gardens with a pool, through to the small city oasis with a circular lawn – the gardens of the year voted at Schloss Dyck in Rhineland on 8 February show the wide spectrum of current garden design and give an insight into present trends.
The 50 most beautiful private gardens were distinguished for the fourth time already. The Callwey publishing company and the magazine “Garten+Landschaft” (Garden+Landscape) urged landscape architects, garden designers, as well as horticulturists and landscape designers last year to submit their most beautiful projects. There were no restrictions regarding the size, location or garden style.

The Garden of the Year 2019: “The incomparable charm of the past” by Landschaftsarchitekt Volker Püschel from Mettmann. Carried out by Ringbeck GmbH – Photo: Gölz/Neubauer, Gärten des Jahres 2019, Callwey

Landscape architect Volker Püschel: “When I saw the romantic south facade it became clear to me immediately that it offered potential for something very special.” – Photo: Gölz/Neubauer, Gärten des Jahres 2019, Callwey

Paved paths and evergreen hedges form visual axes that guide the view beyond the grasses and Mediterranean shrubs, through to the most impressive viewpoint: the ruins with a window overlooking a still hidden garden area. – Photo: Gölz/Neubauer, Gärten des Jahres 2019, Callwey

A heated, glass orangery lies harmoniously next to the rustical ruins and under the effects of atmospheric lighting also invites people to spend time there during the evening hours – Photo: Gölz/Neubauer, Gärten des Jahres 2019, Callwey
A renowned jury selected the 50 most impressive grounds from among the abundance of applications. The project “The incomparable charm of the past” by Landschaftsarchitekt Volker Püschel (Mettmann) was selected as the winner. The focus of the garden is the rustical ruin of an old brick stone villa, which was originally supposed to be torn down. “When I saw the romantic south facade it became clear to me immediately that it offered potential for something very special,” recalls Püschel and he advised the developers to keep three of the outer walls in place. The result is an historical looking garden with an exceptional combination between evergreens, grasses and Mediterranean shrubs. Comfortable seating arrangements invite people to spend time in the orangery, whilst atmospherically integrated light sources create a cosy atmosphere in the evening. Püschel’s planning vision was realised by the landscape gardeners of Ringbeck GmbH. For the book “Die Gärten des Jahres 2019”, which has also recently been published, the winning garden was impressively portrayed by the photographer Sibylle Pietrek. The publication also depicts all of the other distinguished garden areas as well as 49 further competition participants.
Further distinctions
Five further projects were distinguished on the evening: “A grass garden on the lakeside” by PARC’S Gartengestaltung GmbH (Rapperswil-Jona), “Mosaic of Cultures” by FFLO – James Fox (Tunbridge Wells), “The Square of the Circle” by Brigitte Röde Planungsbüro Garten und Freiraum (Cologne), “In the Holstein Garden of Eden” by GrafGarten (Ascheberg) and “Metamorphic Transformation” by Gartenwerk (Düsseldorf).

“Metamorphic Transformation”: A bleak urban backyard was transformed into an inviting garden area with a roofed pergola, wooden bench, rustling bamboo and atmospheric light sources. A water basin will round off the project in future. Planning and realisation: Gartenwerk – Photo: Gölz/Neubauer, Gärten des Jahres 2019, Callwey

The green sanctuary “In the Holstein Garden of Eden” spans 10,000 square metres. The area unites aspects of a farm garden with modern elements. There are areas designed in harmony with nature and two large natural ponds as well as also precisely trimmed evergreens and simple watercourses and water basins. Planning: GrafGarten. Realisation: Fenna Graf – Photo: Gölz/Neubauer, Gärten des Jahres 2019, Callwey

A circular lawn area, bordered by dressing stones, determines the city garden “The Square of the Circle”. Seats and loungers invite people to enjoy the view over leafy perennials, shrubs as well as an abundance of blossoming flowers. Planning: Brigitte Röde Planungsbüro Garten und Freiraum. Realisation: Jansen und Arens GmbH & Co. KG – Photo: Gölz/Neubauer, Gärten des Jahres 2019, Callwey

In the garden “Mosaic of Cultures”, Japanese, English and German garden cultures are brought together skilfully and a new type of garden style is created. Here bamboo, grasses and conifers frame a stone path, which leads through various garden areas up to the house. Planning: FFLO – James Fox. Realisation: Forster Garten- und Landschaftsbau – Photo: Gölz/Neubauer, Gärten des Jahres 2019, Callwey

Grass swaying softly in the wind next to large-flowered hydrangeas, framed by evergreens – “A grass garden on the lakeside” relies on large-surface, reduced plants and combines these with paths, stairways and a terrace made of high-quality wood. Planning: PARC’S Gartengestaltung GmbH. Realisation: egli jona ag. – Photo: Gölz/Neubauer, Gärten des Jahres 2019, Callwey