Cologne: 24.–26.06.2025 #spogagafa

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"Meet our visitors" with Johannes Jäger, Executive Director of the furniture store Jäger,

18 Jun 2020

Johannes Jäger, Executive Director of the furniture store Jäger,

Johannes Jäger, Executive Director of the furniture store Jäger,

The Corona crisis is currently also facing family businesses with special tasks. We spoke about this to Johannes Jäger, Executive Director of the furniture store Jäger, .

Dear Mr Jäger, how have you got through the Corona crisis so far? Were special measures/actions developed?

Jäger: We too had to close our store for several weeks and were only able to generate sales via online, e-mail and per telephone. After we were able to open again, we had achieved the normal visitor frequency and turnover for this period. We were even able to make up for quite a lot, which will enable us to achieve a good turnover for the year as a whole. We used the following headlines to advertise our special campaign:

- Holiday at home

- Enjoy the time at home with new garden furniture

Since we are of the opinion that many of the people, who didn't go on holiday, are investing money in their home and above all also in the garden instead.

In 2020, many exhibitors are focusing on the theme of sustainability for their product innovations. Is the trade also concentrating more on the sustainability of the products?

Jäger: We personally find the topic sustainability important. It is now also always being publicised strongly in the media. However, we have ascertained among our customers that only very few of them pose questions on this theme, so it isn't influencing the purchasing decision to-date. Whereby, we do think this will become more of an issue for the younger generation in the future.

You have been a loyal visitor of spoga+gafa for over 30 years and will be on-site in September too. How important is it that you visit spoga+gafa this year and what are you looking forward to most?

Jäger: Visiting the trade fair this year is as equally important as in the past years, because we use this trade fair to look out for the latest trends and to determine our line-ups for the coming season. We are looking forward to meeting up with our colleagues and the manufacturers again, experiencing products live - something which one will never be able to replace online.

Dear Mr Jäger, thank you for your time. We look forward to being able to welcome you to spoga+gafa in Cologne from 6 to 8 September 2020.