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More than recycling

25 Nov 2020

New plant pot collection made from 100 percent recycled plastic: Vibes from elho © elho

New plant pot collection made from 100 percent recycled plastic: Vibes from elho © elho

The theme sustainability has not just been playing a growing role in the garden industry since Fridays for Future.

Whereby the Corona pandemic has pushed the theme climate protection into the background somewhat. Nevertheless, tackling the climate change takes top priority in shaping the future successfully. As a green industry, the garden industry has been occupying itself with sustainable concepts for a long time - whether it be in the production, transport or use of products for the outdoor areas. For example, many exhibitors of the past spoga+gafa presented resource-saving solutions. The theme sustainability is hereby relevant across all segments. Whereas sustainable garden furniture was more likely to be found in the premium section in the past, today it is also offered in the wider assortments of garden centres and DIY stores.

Weatherproof and highly durable

The factor longevity inherently plays an important role for outdoor areas. Current garden furniture is particularly resistant among others because of the climate change and the related weather phenomena. Innovative materials make them extremely weatherproof and thus highly durable. Even upholstered furniture or outdoor carpets withstand strong downpours and strong sunlight. As a stable and regrowing raw material, wood is often implemented for the production of outdoor furniture. More and more producers and consumers are placing great value on a sustainable cultivation here. An FSC certificate or proof of origin verify the corresponding sustainable forest management.

Current Lilium collection (design: BIG) by Skagerak with FSC-certified wood © Skagerak
Rattan as a natural material also for indoor use: Sense collection from Cane-line © Cane-line

Current Lilium collection (design: BIG) by Skagerak with FSC-certified wood © Skagerak

Rattan as a natural material also for indoor use: Sense collection from Cane-line © Cane-line

Turning old into new – recycled materials

Green alternatives to classic outdoor materials like wood and plastic are reused or residual materials. They are made by processing and regenerating old products. For instance, garden furniture, outdoor carpets or plant pots often contain plastic from the oceans and PET bottles. Recycled metals and used woods from fishing boats are also implemented for new furniture items. Furthermore, many manufacturers offer already existing bestsellers as "green" versions made from recycled plastic. The technical standards regarding the reliability, durability or stability remain unaffected.

Sipario partition system made from recycled plastic from Nardi (design: Raffaello Galiotto) © Nardi

Sipario partition system made from recycled plastic from Nardi (design: Raffaello Galiotto) © Nardi

Back to nature while gardening

The awareness for environmental protection is also growing with regards to garden work. More and more people consider the garden to be a part of nature and would like to design it correspondingly. Instead of creating grass or gravel deserts they are opting for natural gardening. Blossoming oases with plants and shrubs are planted to offer bees and other insects a habitat. Potting soils and fertilisers made of regional raw materials ensure sustainable growth. Insect-friendly plant protection or bio-degradable planting aids and pots support the eco-friendly garden care. The irrigation is carried out in a resource-saving manner using water collected in a rain barrel. Meanwhile, the latter come in numerous colours and shapes to suit all tastes.

Greener barbecuing thanks to sustainable products.

The "green" spark has flown over to the BBQ section too. New coatings made of organic materials for grills and outdoor kitchens are free from toxic materials and are particularly durable. The disposable grill made of natural and bio-degradable materials such as bamboo and lava-stone is a clever idea. Even the barbecue charcoal is sustainably manufactured and originates from ecological projects for the landscape protection for instance.

Disposable grill made from natural and biodegradable materials from CasusGrill © CasusGrill

Disposable grill made from natural and biodegradable materials from CasusGrill © CasusGrill

At the right place at the right time

Goods transport plays a major role in terms of sustainability in the garden industry. That is why manufacturers and the trade of the garden industry are occupying themselves with concepts for green logistics. Punctual ordering and fast delivery play an important role here, since the garden market is characterised by seasonal peaks. The related alignment of the supply of goods not only reduces warehouse costs, but also saves resources.

Author: Leif Hallerbach
