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New market research study on city gardening

30 Aug 2019

Study City Gardening_Rudolf Müller Verlag

Study City Gardening_Rudolf Müller Verlag

The new “City Gardening” market research study was presented on the second day of the spoga+gafa garden trade fair. The study surveyed more than 1,000 city gardeners and gathered relevant market data on the topic.

City gardening is a trend topic in the DIY and gardening industry. City gardeners are often regarded as a particularly important and interesting target group. One more reason for spoga+gafa to dedicate a special-focus area to the topic at this year’s trade fair. As a way of providing exhibitors and visitors with particular added value, the new “City Gardening” market research study was presented exclusively at the trade fair. The study was produced by IFH Köln and the publisher RM Handelsmedien, with the support of spoga+gafa.

Representative survey as a basis

How big is the potential of city gardening? Which products and retailers are winning the race? What role does sustainability play? The new study investigates such issues and throws light on the consumer behaviour of the target group of city gardeners, which has not been the subject of much research until now. On the basis of a representative survey of more than 1,000 city gardeners carried out this summer, the report provides conclusive answers to key questions about retailers and product ranges. Of particular interest to the gardening industry is the classification of the target groups.

Four different types

The study distinguishes between four different types of city gardeners. The motives for and attitudes towards gardening in the city differ greatly between these groups. While “Status-oriented hosts” are keen to impress their social circle, “Return-to-nature types” are looking for a green retreat in the urban jungle. “Self-sufficiency gardeners” focus on growing their own food, while “Hedonistic aesthetes” are looking to make their homes beautiful. The groups most open to acquiring new garden equipment are the status-oriented hosts and the conscious self-sufficiency gardeners.

Findings on information and purchasing behaviour

The study makes further statements on the information and purchasing behaviours of the target group. According to the study, the purchase frequency of city gardeners varies greatly – more than one third make purchases once a quarter and more often. There are also differences in the information channels used. While conscious self-sufficiency gardeners in particular have a great need for information, the hedonistic aesthetes only very rarely do any research. Taken together, the target group mainly uses stores, video platforms, forums, blogs and online stores to gather information. The study also reveals the recommendations and perspectives resulting from that.

You can find the full study here:

With the focus on City Gardening, spoga+gafa takes up the trend theme and shows innovations and growth opportunities for the green sector.

Fill up on inspiration now!
Author: Leif Hallerbach
