More BBQ diversity
BBQs are a passion
BBQs are a passion and no longer just a leisure activity. It is a holistic and sensual experience that is often associated with memories of wonderful moments. The "BBQ" experience describes the entire experience, from preparation to enjoyment. It includes selecting the ingredients, firing up and the barbecue itself, as well as socializing with family and friends. It also includes discovering new recipes and experimenting with different grilling techniques.
Combinable accessories
This new diversity starts with the ingredients already. As well as fish, vegetarian alternatives have long since become part of the BBQ menu. Modern BBQ fans also enjoy engaging in new culinary experiments now and again. The industry offers a large selection of new accessories for the purpose. To extend their areas of application new accessories can be put together individually and combined with grill appliances of different brands. In addition, newer grills can be easily integrated into the outdoor kitchens of other manufacturers or simply converted from a stand-up grill into a table grill.

New accessories such as a flame-grilling board expand the BBQ options. © Höfats GmbH
Plenty of possibilities despite little space
Compact models with diversified functions are available for a BBQ experience in limited spaces. They can be used for steaming vegetables, fast browning or smoking. Foldable grills are not only practical on camping holidays, they are also ideal for small balconies and roof terraces. They even fit inside the rucksack for outings to the park. Those, who prefer things a little more authentic, can grill food on top of a fire bowl that are available in many executions today.
Electric grills as a clean alternative
The increased demands in responsible consumption are also making electric grills more and more attractive. Above all, they offer a clean bbq alternative in the urban environment. Current models have increased the efficiency and can reach temperatures of up to 500°C. With a digital precision temperature the grilled food can be cooked to perfection at the push of a button. Compact models for the balcony also offer many functions today like steaming vegetables or fast browning. There are even pizza ovens for small outdoor areas that are purely electric or with a multi-fuel option.

Not only the accessories, but also the ingredients for barbecuing are becoming increasingly diverse. © Bralro at Unsplash
Barbecuing is getting smart and precise
Precision enables every dish to be cooked perfectly while maintaining the full taste of the ingredients. Hence, today's grills control the temperature via app, Bluetooth and touch control panels. Such smart control technology allows precise temperatures and thanks to intelligent functions help prepare the food perfectly. In this way, individual work steps can be automated so that one doesn't have to stand in front of the BBQ all the time. Further digital gadgets of new appliances like USB ports for charging Smartphones make the bbq enjoyment with a power supply also attractive for the younger generation. The coming spoga+gafa will show what further new products for BBQs and outdoor kitchens can be awaited here. Under the new key theme "Responsible Gardens", it will offer an extensive overview of the industry's innovations from 16 to 18 June 2024.