Cologne: 24.–26.06.2025 #spogagafa

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More sustainability in outdoor areas

New naturalness in garden care

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In light of the demands for more sustainability, responsible behaviour in the garden is also becoming increasingly important. There has thus been a trend towards more sustainable garden work and garden care for some time now. Whether "hotels" for wild bees, insect-friendly plants, seeds from the region or clever systems for natural irrigation - current products and solutions are relying on environmentally-friendly, natural garden design.

Natural gardens are attractive for self-sufficiency. © Elias Morr at Unsplash

Many people today are opting for environmentally friendly and nature-oriented garden design © Elias Morr at Unsplash

Regional diversity instead of uniform greenery

Today, in the sense of a natural garden, people are paying more attention to regional diversity when planting their "green living room". The garden industry offers seeds from domestic regions for example, for all those who love vibrant and species-rich nature. As such, regional wild and pollinating plants for example are enjoying growing popularity in the home garden. They are not only decorative, but also good for the preservation of biodiversity. In this way, a varied selection of domestic plants provides valuable food for insects, birds and other creatures.

Regional wild and pollinating plants in the Garden

Regional wild and pollinator plants are good for biodiversity. © Yoksel Zok at Unsplash

Biological plant care

Domestic wild herbs, fruit and vegetables are attractive for the purpose of self-sufficiency as well. To ensure they flourish there is meanwhile a wide range of biological fertilisers and environmentally-friendly products for plant care. Regionally grown raw materials like green compost are offered for instance to enable natural gardening. Today, people who prefer own-made fertilisers can find a wide selection of composters for kitchen left-overs or green cuttings in many shapes and sizes.

Protection for the domestic fauna

Perennials, shrubs and trees from the own climate zone enhance a location-appropriate choice of garden plants and offer protection for tiny species and small animals. Self-constructed raised and terraced beds or dry-stone walls also create new hiding and nesting places for the local fauna. In this way, thanks to a growing awareness for one's own green environment, the regionality of seeds, plants and wildlife is sustainably maintained.

Self-made raised bed

Self-constructed raised beds create new hiding and nesting places. © Markus Spiske at Unsplash

Irrigation systems

What's more, due to extreme weather phenomena such as ongoing droughts, plants that are easy to cultivate and which are more heat-resistant are being grown more frequently. In order to combat the climate change and its consequences, how water is being handled in the garden is being rethought too. When there is no regular rainfall, in addition to water-conserving plants, digitally-controlled irrigation systems that save water and biological water treatment prove to be forward-looking solutions. Natural pools or swimming ponds can be constructed as an alternative to the classic, high water consumption swimming pool

Pumps for the use of rainwater

Modern pumps support the sensible use of rainwater. © GARDENA Deutschland GmbH

Between design and restraint

Natural gardening also means finding a balance between design and restraint. Because to a certain extent the greenery can be left to its own devices. Instead of accurately controlled plants, a natural garden is thus not only sustainable, but also easy-to-care for. The selection of the right plants and garden products is decisive. The coming spoga+gafa will show what further new products can be awaited from 16 to 18 June 2024.